Program List

The number of (the)data : 7
  • Comedy
  • Comedy

Copy that?


Is this a parody? An homage? Or an imitation?!
Protagonist Aki Fujisaki works in development at a beverage manufacturer.

Due to an issue regarding information leakage, she has to work with her senior Asami Kitawaki, an elite board certified lawyer and intellectual property expert.

Although they’re total opposites, they tackle all sorts of intellectual property problems.

Driving them to uncover piracies is their desire to protect the creations of their beloved colleagues, who labored through sweat and tears.

Their struggles to protect society from unscrupulous intellectual property infringements will spark your heart with laughter and passion.

This spring, get ready for an uplifting and entertaining intellectual property drama series about working and enjoying life.

  • Human
  • Detective
  • Drama (Series)
  • Human
  • Detective
  • Drama (Series)



Tsutomu Koshobu, a genius, and a character who is always based around the idea of logic, and Kaede Shirokuma, an honest and emotionally driven former detective are the main characters. As members of the Fair Trade Commission’s sixth examination division (aka. ‘Dairoku’), they crack down on violations of the Anti-Monopoly Law and keep a watchful eye on economic activities to protect a free and fair competition in the market. They expose the hidden facts about companies that engage in bid-rigging, cartels, and other forms of corruption…


14 years after graduating from junior high school, a class reunion is held.
However, this is the beginning of a tragedy.
6 ex-classmates who attended the reunion die one by one.
Each of them has shocking darkness, and they are all a big liar to hide their dark side.
And their true nature will be revealed.

  • Human
  • Entertainment

  • Human
  • Entertainment



Naoki Hanzawa is a banker at the Tokyo Central Bank. Despite his having exposed many injustices inside the bank, the story begins with his being sent off to a subsidiary company, Tokyo Central Securities. Hanzawa commands a band of workers who are part of the so-called “lost generation.” Together, they confront and overcome numerous workplace challenges. Can they secure “double returns” for clients and their outlandish demands? Convention-busting banker hero, Naoki Hanzawa, underwrites a new legendary chapter in the financial world.

東京中央銀行のバンカー・半沢直樹。 銀行内で行われていた数々の不正を明らかにするも、まさかの出向を命じられ、東京セントラル証券に出向赴任するところから物語が始まる。 半沢はロスジェネ世代の部下達と立ち上がり、汚い手を使う卑劣な親会社に仕事を通じて逆襲する。果たして半沢直樹は、出向先で次々に発生するトラブルを乗り越え、理不尽な要求を突き付ける相手に「倍返し」出来るのか!? 型破りのバンカー、半沢直樹の新たな伝説が歴史に刻まれる!!

도쿄 중앙은행 뱅커 한자와 나오키.
은행 내에서 일어난 수많은 부정을 밝혀내지만 결국 좌천을 명령받고 도쿄 센트럴 증권으로 부임하면서 이야기가 시작된다.
한자와는 로스트 제너레이션 세대 부하들과 함께 교활한 방법을 사용하는 비열한 모회사에 업무를 통해 역습을 가한다. 과연 한자와 나오키는 전임지에서 차례로 발생하는 문제를 극복하고 불합리한 요구를 내세우는 상대에게「두배로 갚는다」를 실현할 수 있을까!?
파격적인 뱅커, 한자와 나오키의 새로운 전설이 역사에 새겨진다!!


  • Human
  • Entertainment
  • Sports
  • Human
  • Entertainment
  • Sports

No Side Manager


Adapted from a novel by Jun Ikeido, the story follows the travails of a company man once touted as an elite executive candidate who falters when he voices opposition to his superiors over an acquisition, and is exiled to general affairs manager at a branch factory. Adding insult to injury, he is also ordered to serve as general manager of the plant’s failing rugby team, the Tokiwa Motors “Astros”, which once basked in glory but has since sunk to perennial cellar dweller. Hoping to resuscitate his own future along with that of a weak rugby team on the verge of disbandment, the embattled company man stakes pride and fortune on fulfilling two missions, putting all he’s got into work and sports in this inspirational human drama.


이케이도 준의 소설이 원작.
출세 레이스의 선두에서 간부 후보라고 불린 엘리트 사원이 상사가 주도하는 기업 매수에 이의를 제기한 결과, 좌천되어 지방 공장 총무부장으로 부임하게 된다.
안타까운 심정으로 부임처인 공장에 도착하지만 토키와발전기 럭비팀「아스토로즈」의 제너럴 매니저를 겸임하라는 명령을 받게 된다.
과거 강호였지만, 지금은 성적부진에 허덕이고 있는「아스토로즈」.
출세의 길이 끊긴 비지니스맨으로서의 재기와 폐부 직전의 약소 럭비부의 재건.
두 개의 사명을 짊어진 남자가 일과 스포츠에 자존심을 걸고 전력으로 맞서는 휴먼 드라마.




  • Science
  • Science

Black Forceps


A medical thriller based on Takeru Kaido's novel, Black Forceps 1988, protagonist Seishiro Tokai is a surgical genius whose perfect operational success rate has earned him the monikier, “The Demon of O.R.” at the Tojo University Hospital, a name that also points to his overbearing and solitary personality. He is countered by a rookie physician, Gonta Takashina, who comes to the hospital from a different medical university advocating hard for cutting edge medical technology that promises to render individual differences in surgical skill obsolete and level the playing field among surgeons. Naturally, a battle brews Takashina and Tokai who is adverse to the idea of machines taking over surgical procedures, particularly with regard to cardiac surgery. Tokai also confronts a powerful university hospital system that is rife with jealousies and political intrigue, and seeks to expose a hidden past and new technology corruption scandal in this highly entertaining medical drama.


원작은 가이도 타케루의 소설「블랙 페앙 1988」
수술성공률 100%를 자랑하고“수술실의 악마”라 불리우는 고고한 천재외과의 도카이 세이시로는 도죠대학병원에 근무하는 안하무인 외과의사다.
한편, 타대학출신의 신참의사 다카시나 곤타는「외과의사의 기술을 전혀 필요로 하지 않는」최신의료기구의 사용을 추진하려고 한다. 기량에 좌우되지 않고 누구라도 사용할 수 있는 심장수술용 의료기구에 외과의로서 수술공정의 일부를 기계에 맡기는 것에 반대하는 도카이의 싸움이 시작된다. 도카이는 질투가 소용돌이치는 대학병원이라는 거대한 조직과 맞서며 신기술 도입을 둘러싼 갖가지 부정과 은폐된 과거를 폭로해간다. 통쾌한 의료엔터테인먼트 드라마.


  • Family
  • Human
  • Entertainment
  • Family
  • Human
  • Entertainment

Downtown Rocket


Following its smash hit debut in 2015, Downtown Rocket returns for a second season in 2018 furthering the struggles and challenges of Kohei Tsukuda, a former rocket scientist and leader of the Tsukuda Manufacturig Co., a cozy factory in the old part of Tokyo. Having lost his father, Kohei had taken over the firm’s development of a purely domestically-made rocket for a major industrial concern, Teikoku Heavy Industries and their Stardust Project. But when news arrives of a sudden replacement of the Teikoku president, the Stardust Project appears in jeopardy, further compounded by Tsukuda’s loss of a major client, a farm machinery maker, who decides to cancel engine orders. Having just shifted from rocket engines to farm equipment, Kohei and his factory must once again face a series of make-or-break challenges in order to survive.

2015년 대히트한 TV 드라마의 속편.
전 우주과학 개발 기구의 연구원으로 현재는 아버지가 남긴 변두리의 공장「쓰쿠다 제작소」에서 경영자로서의 삶을 살아가는 쓰쿠다 고헤이. 일본을 대표하는 대기업 데이코쿠 중공의 순국산 로켓 개발계획「스타더스트 계획」에 참가하고 있었다. 어느 날, 데이코쿠 중공의 사장 교체로 스타더스트 계획이 다음으로 끝날지도 모른다는 소식을 듣고 고헤이는 충격을 받는다. 동시에 큰 거래처인 농기구 회사로부터 소형엔진의 거래 삭감을 통고받고 고헤이는 강한 위기감을 품게 된다. 로켓 개발에서 농경기 개발로 방향을 전환한 고헤이와「쓰쿠다 제작소」의 새로운 도전을 그렸다.
